IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Award) is one of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) programs which is processed under the Kemendikbudristek (Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi). IISMA is a scholarship program that will be available for every student throughout Indonesia who is interested in studying at a foreign university for 1 semester. IISMA […]

The Study of the U.S. Branch (ECA/A/E/USS) is pleased to invite candidate nominations from posts for a summer 2024 Study of the U.S. Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders from Bangladesh, Brazil, Indonesia, Jordan, and Nigeria interested in the topic of Climate Change and the Environment.  The five-week program will be hosted by the Northern Nevada […]

“Self-confidence is the key,” said Aprillia Ragil, an uisi student from the accounting study program who won Southeast Asia B2B Sales Competition as 1st Runner-up at Universitas Gadja Mada on October, 19 2023. South-East Asia Sales Competition (SEASAC) 2023 is a competition organized by Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and SEAMEO Regional Open […]

The Study of the U.S. Branch (ECA/A/E/USS) is pleased to invite candidate nominations from posts for a summer 2024 Study of the U.S. Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders from Bangladesh, Brazil, Indonesia, Jordan, and Nigeria interested in the topic of Climate Change and the Environment.  The five-week program will be hosted by the Northern Nevada […]

Hi teman teman semua. Kenalan dengan apa itu sampah dulu. Sampah memiliki berbagai macam jenis bahan dan teksture . Erick sendiri bermulai dari botol kemasan 1500/ml ataupun 600 /ml, yang kemudian diisi dengan berbagai sampah. Mulai dari sampah kemasan plastik,karton, dan lain sebaginya dimasukkan kedalam botol erick ini. Setelah proses memasukkan sampah sampai penuh yang […]

im super shy super shy but wait a minute while i make you mine make you mine 떨리는 지금도 you’re on my mine all the time, i wanna tell you but im super shy super shy And I wanna go out with you, where you wanna go?Find a lil’ spot, just sit and talkLooking pretty, […]

Enter the page content top & bottom padding. In pixels ex: 20px. Leave empty for default value.asasas sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsd Makes me Realize how much I haven’t seen Thomas Content creator Thomas Content creator A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which […]

OIA UISI held a webinar in commemoration of International Women’s Day which was held online on 27th May 2023 and attended by 100 participants. This webinar raises the theme of “How to be a Smart and Valuable Women in the Era of Gender Equality” Hope that Indonesian women can face the era of gender equality […]