Rabu Wekasan

In this article, we will share information about Rabu Wekasan. Rabu Wekasan is a tradition that has existed since the early 17th century. Especially in Aceh, Sumatra, and Java, as well as in parts of Riau, Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, and even Maluku. Most Indonesians believe in Rabu Wekasan, for those who believe in it, on the Wekasan Rebo or Rebo Pungkasan alias Wednesday in the month of Safar, tens of thousands of diseases and disasters will come. It was also explained that the final Wednesday in the month of Safar was the first day the Prophet Muhammad fell ill and lasted for 12 consecutive days until the Prophet died. The message also revealed that on the last Wednesday of the month of Safar, there will be 360,000 (some say 320,000) sources of disease and 20,000 disasters to the world. Still written in the message, it is suggested to the people to increase their worship. The arrival of an unlucky day on the last Wednesday of the month of Safar becomes a belief for some Muslims in the archipelago. To anticipate this, various rituals to ward off reinforcements are held in many areas in Indonesia.

In Javanese tradition, this last Wednesday in the month of Safar is known as Rebo Wekasan or Rebo Pungkasan. In Arabic, it is known as Arba Mustamir. Meanwhile, at the eastern end of Java, Banyuwangi, a sea picking tradition is held to commemorate Rebo Wekasan by some coastal communities on Waru Doyong Beach. In another village in Banyuwangi, there is also a community of residents who carry out the tradition of rejecting reinforcements by eating specially made rice, together on the side of the road. Meanwhile, some Muslims in South Kalimantan responded to Arba Mustamir or Rebo Wekasan in several ways, including the sunnah prayer accompanied by a prayer to reject reinforcements, save the village, do not travel far, do not violate taboos, and take a Safar bath to get rid of bad luck. Well friends, the story above is one of the cultures that exist in Indonesia. It is hoped that readers will be wise in responding to everything in the story or history that has existed since time immemorial. Hopefully, this can add to our knowledge.

by: Susi Dea Ariana

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